Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just a proud aunt!

My cute nephew Dylan is just one of those great kids... "hand picked" to wrestle in the 9th Annual All Star-Classic.
He even got a little recognition on the local news that evening! Way to go Dylan we are so proud of you!
Click below and check him out.

Click on me!

Dylan will be wrestling at the Rocky Mountain Rumble this Friday and Saturday as well (I'm sure). It will be fun to see how well he does!
Best of luck to you Dylan, we'll be cheering for you!!
Resilite Rocky Mountain Rumble
January 16 and 17, 2009
McKay Events Center Orem, UT


Stefanie said...

Way to go Dylan! Good luck and just have fun!

Shannon Skalla said...

Wow exciting news for your nephew. I'm sure he will be great, so cool. I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Dylan, congrats to you from your "extended" family in New York. Good luck to a cool dude!

Anne Schaefer said...

Dylan, congrats to you on your upcoming events from your "extended" family-in-laws from New York! Good luck to a cool dude.